Saturday, September 29, 2007

Chicken or duck

This is a short story that I love dearly written by Ajahn Brahm who is the abbot of a monastery in Australia. In his book, “opening the door of your heart”, Ajahn Brahm relates wise teachings from his saint-like and renowned teacher, Ajahn Chah. I hope Ajahn Brahm don’t mind I put his story of timeless wisdom here.

This was a favourite story of Ajahn Brahm teacher, Ajahn Chah of northest Thailand. The title is named “The chicken and the duck”. A newly married couple went for a walk together in a wood, one fine summer’s evening after dinner. They were having such a wonderful time being together until they heard a sound in the distance: ‘Quack! Quack!’

‘Listen,’said the wife, ‘That must be a chicken.’
‘No,no. That was a duck,’ said the husband.
‘No, I’m sure that was a chicken,’ she said.
‘Impossible. Chicken go “Cock-a-doodle-doo”, ducks go “Quack! Quack!” That’s a duck, darling,’ he said, with the first signs of irritation.
‘Quack! Quack!” it went again.
‘See! It’s a duck,’ he said.
‘No dear. That’s a chicken. I’m positive,’ she asserted, digging in her heels.
‘Listen wife! That….is….a…duck. D-U-C-K, duck! Got it?’ he said angrily.
‘But it’s a chicken,’ she protested.
‘It’s a blooming duck, you,you….’
And it went ‘Quack! Quack!’ again before he said something he oughtn’t.
The wife was almost in tears. ‘But it’s a chicken.’
The husband saw the tears welling up in his wife’s eyes and, at last, remembered why he had married her. His face softened and he said gently, ‘Sorry, darling. I think you must be right. This is a chicken.’
‘Thank you, darling.’ She said and she squeezed his hand.
‘Quack! Quack!’ came the sound through the woods, as they continued their walk together in love.

The point of the story that the husband finally awakened to was, who cares whether it is a chicken or a duck? What was much more important was their harmony together , that they could enjoy their walkl on such a fine summer’s evening. How many marriages are broken over the unimportant matters? How many divorces cite ‘chicken or duck’ stuff.

When we understand this story, we will remember our priorities. The marriage is more important than being right about whether it is a chicken or a duck. Anyway, how many times have we been absolutely, certainly and positively convinced we are right, only to find out we were wrong later/ Who knows? That could have been genetically modified chicken made to sound like a duck!

( For the sake of gender equality and a peaceful life as a monk, each time Ajahn Brahm tell the story he usually swithch around the one who says it’s a chicken and the one who say’s it’s a duck)

From this story, I always remind myself not to spoil any relationship because ‘chicken or duck stuff’. The lesson from this timeless teaching can apply in us from all walks of life….

Monday, September 24, 2007

LOHAS consumer

“LOHAS” refers to a new group of consumers that exists after SOHO and BOBO. LOHAS consumers are not only concern about their lifestyle being environmental friendly, but also support saving the planet’s environment. Today, high expenses and materialistic lifestyle being environmental friendly, but also support saving the planet’s environment. Today, high expenses and materialistic lifestyle do not bring high quality living to all human races. On the contrary, it causes air and water pollution, health problems and food pollutions; human civilization destroys the balance of nature; our planet is sick, the world will come to an end.

LOHAS consumers have grown to be a group of powerful voice. They emphasize a lifestyle of environmental friendly, promote organic food, physical, and mental health, care for others and protect the planet. One-third of the populations in Europe, America and Japan are LOHAS, the number is increasing every year. LOHAS markets are growing, for example: environmental friendly building, recycled energy, environmental friendly furniture, second-hand products, organic food, and health food, alternative remedy, self improvement program (e.g. yoga, spiritual uplifting programs). These are getting more and more popular in recent years. As a result, big organizations in many developed countries have invested huge amount of money in environmental friendly products and services.

Through promoting of LOHAS lifestyle, you will discover that the idea of environmental friendly is just so simple! Healthy organic food can be so tasty! Enjoy the happiness of simplicity being a LOHAS consumer.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Uh, what is lohas again?

'A Transformational Lifestyle Concept huh? What does it means actually? LOHAS??? Never heard of it?' Aha...Do you have the same questions or doubts like this about lohas? I bet you do because the Lohas concept is quite unknown in Malaysia. But in Japan, the term has taken on a life of its own. Do you know about organic food, yoga, meditation,eco-tourism, and so on? Does it hit the nail on your head!!! Do you favor coffee shops whose beans are bought from grower-owned coops? Yearn for yoga or have a penchant for Pilates? Alternative spirituality, anyone? Even scanning the labels on groceries, clothes or other household products for words such as (organic) can make you a “LOHAS consumer.”

The LOHAS concept is the brainchild of US sociologist Paul Ray and psychologist Sherry Anderson, co-authors of The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People are Changing the World. The Lohas market sectors include:

-Sustainable economy

-Healthy lifestyles

-Ecological lifestyles

-Alternative healthcare

-Personal development

Join me in the movement and save our planet and to be a better human-being

Monday, September 17, 2007

Love quotes for reflection

Love quotes.....

LOve, is the remedy for all the ills that afflict mankind. Below are some of LOVE quotation just for you:

'Love, true love, is that which can give the most without asking or demanding anything in return' ~Mazie Hammond

'Pride makes us do things well. But it is love that makes us do them perfectly'

To get to a woman's heart, a man must first use his own' ~Mike Dobbertin

'Love is a wonderful thing. You never have to take it away from one person to give it to another. There's always more than enough to go around' ~Pamela Roy

Inspiring quote!!!

There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brains, our own hearts is our temple; my philosophy is kindness
~ The Dalai Lama

Monday, September 10, 2007

What is LOHAS?

LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice.LOHAS companies practice "responsible capitalism" by providing goods and services using economic and environmentally sustainable business practices. LOHAS business owners and industry leaders from around the world meet each year at the LOHAS Conference to discuss industry trends, share ideas and learn how to run a successful LOHAS business. LOHAS consumers, sometimes referred to as Lohasians, are interested in products covering a range of market sectors and sub-sectors, including: Green building supplies, socially responsible investing and "green stocks", alternative healthcare, organic clothing and food, personal development media, yoga and other fitness products, eco-tourism and more.